
2021-11-30 09:17:16  Views:664

Perlove Medical fire drill ended successfully!

In November, Perlove Medical safety committee, together with Jiangsu Anqu fire, launched a series of fire drills with rich content and strong pertinence to prevent fire risks and eliminate potential safety hazards.


Chen Di, director of Jiangsu Anqu fire instructor department, combined with a large number of fire cases, explained the importance of fire prevention and popularized fire rescue knowledge for Perlove Medical staff.


Fire extinguishing group, evacuation group, alert group and medical support group gathered quickly. The actual fire drill officially began.Under the guidance of director Chen, Perlove employees conducted a series of drills such as "escape from the experience house" and "simulated fire evacuation".


There is no trivial matter in safety. Only by paying attention to each drill can we really avoid panic in the face of danger.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) exercise

After director Chen explained the operation essentials of CPR in detail, the employees demonstrated the operations on the human model.


Fire extinguisher use

Director Chen focused on explaining the classification, key points and precautions of fire extinguishers to guide everyone how to use. According to the explanation, the participants accurately completed the fire extinguishing drill of dry powder fire extinguisher and water-based fire extinguisher.


Gong Jiong, general manager of Perlove Medical, said: "As an enterprise, we will organize more activities that are beneficial to work and employees' families in the future to improve employees' safety awareness and skills. I hope the skills we learned today will never be used, but we must have the concept of and not take chances. I also wish all the family members of Perlove Medical can stay away from danger and live a healthy life! "

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