
2022-04-21 13:44:59  Views:711

[How much do you know about the spine] Lecture 1: What can 3D imaging bring to the clinic?

01. Improve surgical precision

Doctors usually look for the needle entry and exit points in the "cat's eye", and use the doctor's experience to drive the nails into the pedicle. Surgery is more dependent on the experience of the doctor. If there is any deviation, it will be a devastating blow to the patient. If there is the support of 3D images in complex operations to ensure that the nails are accurately driven into the pedicle, the accuracy of the surgical operation can be greatly improved.

◆Knowledge point


"Cat's eye" refers to the projection of the pedicle in the anteroposterior position.

02. Simplify complex surgery

Usually the operation of the upper cervical spine is very complicated, because the doctor has to drive the nails into a very narrow channel such as the upper cervical spine, surrounded by important nerves and blood vessels. Once the cervical spine is damaged, it may cause the death of the patient. With the continuous development of medical imaging technology, under the guidance of 3D images, the entire path that is penetrated can be completely displayed in our eyes, making this complex operation easier, and more doctors can carry out More and more patients will benefit from such surgery.



03. Verify the effect of the operation to ensure the success of the operation

After we completed the vertebroplasty, the leakage of the bone cement could not be seen clearly on the two-dimensional frontal and lateral images. Through the three-dimensional image, we could observe 360° how the bone cement diffused in the vertebral body. If we judged that the quality was not good at the time, it may need to be refurbished, which cannot be seen on the 2D image.

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